
Our registration for the Institute of Chartered Accountants as practitioners of Probate, requires that we publish our diversity data. Our registration can be viewed at icaew.com/probate under reference number C008859231, accredited name 'Monahans'.

Here are our statistics by category for 2023:

  1. Age
    16-24: 14%
    25-34: 23%
    35-44: 22%
    45-54: 25%
    55-64: 13%
    65+: 1%
  2. Gender
    Male: 40%
    Female: 58%
    Prefer not to say: 2%

  3. Is the gender you identify with the same as your sex registered at birth?
    Yes: 98%
    No: 0%
    Prefer not to say: 2%
  4. Disability
    Yes: 7%
    No: 92%
    Prefer not to say: 1%

  5. Ethnic Group
    White British: 94%
    Indian: 1%
    Other Asian: 1%
    Mixed Ethnic: 1%
    Other White: 1%
    Prefer not to say: 2%

  6. Faith
    Christian: 43%
    Buddhist: 1%
    Any other religion: 2%
    No Religion: 49%
    Prefer not to say: 4%

  7. Sexual Orientation
    Gay Man: 2%
    Heterosexual: 91%
    Bisexual: 3%
    Prefer not to say: 4%