Success Stories

Sliabh Liag Distillery
After we assisted Sliabh Liag Distillery with their structure, they were able to take advantage of tax reliefs based on their investments.

Ecodesk offer a data analysis software platform which enables businesses to collect data and identify risks and opportunities relating to corporate environmental, social and governance issues. They have been able to claim R&D tax credits in excess of £100k with the help of Monahans..

Vivax-Metrotech Limited
Vivax-Metrotech Limited were able to reclaim money with the help of Monahans.
Megasteel Ltd
Megasteel Ltd has bought steel product manufacturer Sweetnam & Bradley with the help of Monahans corporate finance team.

Zircon Software provides software engineering services to clients for control, information and testing purposes. They aid with the development of complete software applications, or consultancy services in areas such as requirements analysis, design, verification and validation, and project management.

Travelbee Ltd.
Travelbee Ltd. trading as Arctic Direct, are the UK’s most comprehensive Arctic Travel specialists. They have helped thousands of people find their perfect Arctic holiday.

Bath Cricket Club
Founded in 1859, Bath Cricket Club is now a leading community cricket club which has been designated a focus club by the England & Wales Cricket Board (ECB) to be a hub of the community network for cricket development, particularly for the benefit of children and young people.

Swindon Carers
Swindon Carers Centre is a charitable organisation, which is part of the Carers Trust Network, and was established to provide help and support to the 21,000 carers in Swindon.