1 Apr 2021
Monahans Conversion to LLP
We are pleased to announce that on 1st April 2021 Monahans converted to a Limited Liability Partnership (LLP).
As from 1st April any reference to Monahans will mean Monahans Group LLP, or for our audit clients, from 1st April any reference to Monahans will mean Monahans Audit LLP.
This brings the Monahans Group into a more modern business structure ready for the post-pandemic world.
What will change?
This change should not affect any of our clients on a day to day basis. The main difference is that the legal relationship between us will, as from 1st April 2021, be between our clients and Monahans Group LLP, or Monahans Audit LLP. The LLPs will take over conduct of and be responsible for our work.
There will be no change to our dedication and commitment to provide the best possible service to our clients and to maintain the highest professional standards. There will also be no change in personnel as a result of the conversion and the same people will look after our clients. work.
We will continue to be regulated by the ICAEW who have approved our application to convert to an LLP.
If you have any questions about this change, please do not hesitate to contact us.