8 Apr 2022
A historic accountancy firm for the modern age

Monahans has been proudly serving businesses in the South West since the 1890s. From humble beginnings, we’ve grown to eight office locations, including Swindon, Bath, Trowbridge and Taunton, building relationships with our local business communities as an integral part of their profitability and growth.
The key to our success has been to honour Brian Monahan’s founding principles – working with businesses to understand their needs, providing expert insights, reassuring them with professional support and ultimately becoming their trusted partner.
We have built our reputation from the ground up, demonstrating our commitment to our clients through actions rather than words. We are local, dependable and knowledgeable and we strive to position ourselves as the go-to firm of chartered accountants and business advisors in the region, whilst also expanding our national and international reach.
This commitment – to our ambitions and those of our clients – won’t change. But if the last couple of years have taught us anything, it’s that we can’t rest on our laurels. So, we’ve made some significant changes to our brand to bring it in line with the post-pandemic, digital age.
On 1st April we unveiled a new brand identity and distinctive messaging, aligning Monahans with the evolving needs of our customers. ‘Powering Future Business Growth’ is our mantra, and a striking new logo looks towards that future. A vibrant purple colour palette is designed to stand out from an established sector while also injecting purpose and progression into the brand.
The new look illustrates a fresh approach to innovation and adaptability that we want to convey internally and externally. We know the value that we offer, but we are eager to ensure that it is clear in everything we do. It was vital that our brand reflects who we are, what we stand for and what we provide.
‘Vibrant’ might not be a word you’d usually associate with an accountancy firm, but this visual modernisation shows that we’re not afraid to be bold, and that we have continued to go from strength to strength, despite the instability of the broader business world. Indeed, during 2021, the business onboarded 420 new clients, welcomed eight senior members to the team and saw online interest in our services grow ten-fold thanks to our innovative post-pandemic campaign.
Drawing upon the depths of the team’s commercial and specialist insight, our advice hub has enabled Monahans’ network to make informed decisions during a time of widespread uncertainty. We wanted this to be a source of learning and development for businesses, and its 500 daily visits and more than 25 per cent growth in social media following show that it has been immensely valuable, allowing customers to focus on growth, rather than survival.
That message of ‘growth’ underpins Monahans’ approach, as we begin this exciting new era for the brand. As the country, and the rest of the world, grapples with continual changes and challenges, Monahans’ ambition is to guide businesses and individuals through any further hurdles with confidence, clarity, and commitment.
Part of this evolution sees us joining Prime Global, an award-winning, international association of independent accounting and business advisory firms. In doing so, Monahans aims to expand the business by at least a further ten per cent, maintaining its reputation of being a collaborative, innovative and trusted business adviser.
Monahans has been by the side of businesses for over a century and, while the past two years have been incredibly turbulent, now is the time to bravely take strides towards a brighter future. Our new brand signifies, for both Monahans and our clients, an invigorated notion of looking towards that future and the prospects that it brings internally and externally for both staff and clients.
We owe it to our clients. After all, how can we expect them to depend on us to guide them through evolving economic circumstances if we are not able to be forward thinking and stay one step ahead, ourselves? They have stood by us, and we want to ensure that we continue to offer them the quality service that they deserve.
Simon Tombs