Case study
Swindon Carers
Case Study
Swindon Carers
Swindon Carers Centre is a charitable organisation, which is part of the Carers Trust Network, and was established to provide help and support to the 21,000 carers in Swindon.
Why we were appointed?
The client had received expert advice from our HR Services guiding them on all aspects of support and wanted to have a similar service for H&S. The Trustees were aware of their obligations regarding H&S but were not sure how implement these. Monahans were commissioned to create a bespoke system for the charity to enable them to manage on a daily basis and be audited annually to ensure that standards were maintained.
What difference did we make?
We created a user-friendly health and safety management system for the client, which included a full document suite for use on a daily basis, risk assessments, COSHH assessments and a bespoke Health and Safety policy for their charity. We also provide helpdesk support for any issues they have throughout the year.
We have continued support for several years with the charity and last year worked with the new staff member now responsible for H&S. We provided training on how to use the management system and continue the good work put in place by previous staff. This enabled the staff member to feel confident to manage H&S on a daily basis, with support when needed.
The creation of a robust system for the charity has ensured that the Trustees can feel confident that good processes of management are documented and that they as a board, are evidencing the management of risk for the organisation.